Protect Your Home
Homeowner’s Insurance
We want to make sure that your homeowners coverage will restore your dwelling should you suffer a covered loss. As an established and recognized insurance resource, we are prepared to provide you with broad coverage, competitive prices and excellent service. We represent a carefully selected group of financially sound, reputable insurance companies.

Homeowners Policy Definitions
The following is our attempt to make the definitions of a homeowners policy more understandable. Please make sure to consult the policy itself for any legal definition as policies may vary.
Business: Your trade, profession, or occupation.
Insured includes:
You and the people who live in your house who are related to you; or people under the age of 21 in the care of you or the people who live in your house who are related to you.
In the liability section of the policy, insured also includes any person or organization legally responsible for animals or watercraft (to which the policy applies) owned by you or anyone that fits the first definition unless they are in the course of business or without your permission.
In the liability section again, insured also includes any person while working for you or anyone that fits the first definition or any person on an insured location while using a vehicle (to which the policy applies) with your consent.
Insured Location:
Insured location includes:
The residence premises. These include your house, other structures and grounds, or the part of any other building where you live and that’s shown as the residence premises in the declarations of the policy.
Residence you acquire during the policy period.
Any premises used by you in connection with your residence premises (ex: storage warehouse).
Any part of a premises not owned by an insured and where an insured is temporarily living.
Vacant land, other than farm land, owned by or rented to an insured.
Land owned by or rented to an insured where a house or duplex is being built as a residence for an insured.
Individual or family cemetery plots or burial vaults of an insured.
Any part of a premises occasionally rented to an insured for anything except business (ex: a rented hall where insured is holding a personal gathering).